The Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa was a small and nimble Japanese warbird was the mainstay fighter of the Japanese Army during World War II.
American and British pilots often misidentified the plane as a Mitsubishi “Zero.” The Ki-43 was assigned the Allied code name Oscar. In total, 5,919 Ki-43s were produced.
You don't need to be a master builder to achieve a very nice Oscar. It features an accurate outline and can be completed with all kind of details for scale competition.

The set of plans were developed around our kit or can be used to cut your own kit for scratch build by anyone with previous model building experience. Plans include full-size layout for all required parts in very detailed 7 sheets.
Our laser-cut kit, features interlocking auto-jig system for easy assembly.
Three-piece plug-in wing allows for easy transport and storage.
Fiberglass cowl with scale panel lines for authenticity. (sold separately)
Clear plastic canopy. (Sold separately)
Sierra Giant Scale main landing gear and fix tail unit. (Sold Separately)
6" main wheels, 1.25" tail wheel
Custom scale carbon fiber spinner with aluminum back plate. (Sold separately)